Does CBD Oil Help Dogs with Separation Anxiety?
Separation anxiety is a behavioral issue that can be difficult to treat. It affects dogs in many ways, from mild depression to an all-out panic. In extreme cases, dogs can also injure themselves or destroy their environment in their panicked state.
It may be easier to prevent rather than treat such as by using crate training and avoiding major lifestyle changes. However, once your dog becomes anxious about you leaving, it’s harder to get them back to where they were before.
CBD is increasingly becoming popular to treat various ailments. But does CBD oil help dogs with separation anxiety? Learn more in this blog post.
By the way, I also wrote an article discussing the best CBD oil for dog anxiety if interested.
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What is Separation Anxiety?
Separation anxiety is a relatively common behavioral issue. Symptoms of separation anxiety include barking, whining, urinating, defecating, digging, chewing, excessive panting, drooling, pacing, or trembling.
If your dog is confined to a certain area, they may also attempt to escape in an effort to follow their human.
Some dogs may develop symptoms of separation anxiety early on, while others may develop them later in life.
Sudden changes in their lifestyle or environment may also cause some dogs to act out, even if they’ve never displayed signs of separation anxiety in the past.
Does CBD Oil Help Dogs with Separation Anxiety?
If your dog is suffering from separation anxiety, CBD oil may be beneficial. Since CBD helps to elevate serotonin levels in the brain, the effect is often a calmer, more well-behaved dog during stressful situations.
Since CBD oil is a relatively new product, there’s not much research into its effects on animals, particularly when being used to treat behavior issues.
Existing research has proven its efficacy in improving the comfort level of dogs suffering from osteoarthritis. Additionally, the American Kennel Club’s Canine Health Foundation is currently researching CBD’s effects on epileptic dogs.
Many of the reports are anecdotal about CBD oil’s benefit for separation anxiety in dogs, so further research studies will need to be done. However, these results from actual pet owners are promising.
Although CBD oil is frequently used to treat separation anxiety, it’s important to note that it should be used as one part of a more holistic behavioral treatment plan.
CBD oil on its own is unlikely to solve any problem. The first step to treating any behavior problem is to determine the root cause.
Once you understand what’s causing your dog to become anxious when left behind, it’s recommended to consult a professional trainer or behaviorist to develop a training plan to be used alongside daily CBD oil therapy.
You may also want to consult your veterinarian before administering CBD oil, especially if your pet is currently taking any medications. CBD oil can magnify or negate the effects of some medications, so it’s important to talk to your vet.
If your pet has moderate to severe anxiety, your vet may prefer to prescribe a mild sedative instead, if only for the first few weeks or months of training.
What Causes Separation Anxiety?
A change in routine, moving to a new house, rehoming, and the loss of a family member can all contribute to a dog’s anxiety when left at home alone.
It’s also common for dogs to begin acting anxious when they see the signs that you’re leaving soon, such as putting on your shoes or jacket, or grabbing your keys.
When dealing with behavior that resembles separation anxiety, it’s important to rule out any potential health problems that could be causing your dog to act out.
Some dogs may react badly to being left alone if they are experiencing pain or discomfort due to an underlying medical issue.
Before beginning any training program, it’s recommended to have your veterinarian examine your pup to make sure he or she is healthy enough to begin training.
Working on behavioral problems can be stressful, so it’s crucial for your dog to be as physically healthy as possible.
Note: there’s also other issues that mimic separation anxiety, but aren’t really part of the condition. For example, your dog may not have been crate trained property and just acting out.
Additionally, your dog may just not be educated on the rules of your house or even just bored.
How to Treat Separation Anxiety
Separation anxiety is not an easy problem to solve. It requires careful behavior management and the time involved can range from a few weeks to several months or more.
Mild separation anxiety may be treated with training alongside a calming supplement such as CBD oil. Moderate to severe separation anxiety may require a visit to a veterinarian who may prescribe a mild sedative to help your dog relax.
If you’re not familiar with the training needed to treat separation anxiety, it’s recommended to work with an experienced trainer or canine behaviorist who can help you manage and adjust your dog’s anxious behavior.
When working with a dog with separation anxiety, it’s important to understand what your companion is going through. Anxiety is not the result of a spiteful or disobedient pet, it’s a sign of distress.
The behaviors your dog displays when anxious are his or her ways of coping and any scolding or punishment can actually make the problem worse.
How to Choose a CBD Product
Since cannabis has yet to be approved by the FDA, the CBD industry is largely unregulated. It can be difficult for a newcomer to determine whether a product is high quality or a waste of time and money.
One sign of a high-quality product is a company that follows Good Manufacturing Practices or has a seal of approval from the National Animal Supplement Council (NASC).
It’s also recommended to shop for an organic CBD oil to ensure that the product is free from pesticides and other dangerous chemicals.
It’s also important to mention that CBD oil labeled for use with pets is the safest option for animals.
CBD oils intended for use with humans may contain ingredients such as xylitol or grapeseed oil, which are safe for humans but toxic for dogs.
You may also want to look for a product that has been evaluated by a third party and has been issued a Certificate of Analysis.
A COA will give you the details of exactly how much CBD is contained in the product, as well as whether it contains any THC or contaminants.
Finally, most CBD experts recommend administering CBD oil in liquid form. Although there are many CBD treats on the market, the dosage is not always clear or consistent.
By using a liquid product, you’ll be able to give your pet the appropriate amount of CBD for his size and unique needs.
Based on my research, CBD oil does appear to improve separation anxiety in dogs. However, such evidence is anecdotal and further research will need to be performed.
You’ll want to also confirm that your dog is in fact suffering from separation anxiety instead of some other cause. You should also speak to your vet about the use of CBD with your dog.
Lastly, you’ll want to buy a high quality CBD oil for pets if you decide that it’s right for your dog.